Peace Culture
March 5 - June 5, 2015

Cambodia-Okinawa “Peace Culture” Museum Cooperation began in 2009 which it was funded by Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and supported by OKINAWA provincial museum, OKINAWA Prefectural Peace Memorial Museum. Second phase of the project such the National Museum of Cambodia, the TuolSleng Genocide Museum, the Okinawa Museum and Okinawa Prefectural Peace Memorial Museum. Based on the similar historical events, culture, experiment developments and the spirits of peace between Cambodia and Okinawa, so this project has proposed with inception of museum department staffs training on the museum activities as well as to preserve museum’s collection, exhibition works, convey the peace culture, understanding of the new museum technology in Japan and create the individual action plan for practice of the skill studied after training. This training provided for human resources strengthened to enhance the museum works and improving the practical in the concept of “ Peace Culture” and send the message of peace together to the world and preserving the cultural and historical heritages for the future generation.






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